The Spina dei Borghi (1848-1930). Transformation and restoration through the files of the Archivio Storico Capitolino

Written by Federica Angelucci

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A critical analysis of the building and city planning applications submitted by property owners to the city authorities of Rome, has made it possible to obtain a detailed picture of the housing conditions in the Spina dei Borghi from 1848 to 1930. The conditions of the buildings and their recognised roles are evinced from a careful reading of the partly unpublished documents found in the records of the Modern Papal Municipality [pre-unification Title 54 file (1848-1870)), of the post-unification Modern Municipality [post-unification Title 54 file (1871-1922)] and of Section V – Public Works – Building Inspectorate (1887-1930), conserved in the Archivio Storico Capitolino. The aim is to shed light on the situation of the Spina’s buildings, highlighting an interesting modus operandi by property owners that continued almost until the Spina was destroyed under Mussolini.

Federica Angelucci teaches History of the Modern and Contemporary City and is Tutor for the course in History of the City and Territory at the Architecture Department of “Roma Tre University”, Rome. She has been studying cities and urban transformations of city areas for years, taking a particular interest in English cities. She is the author of Medieval Bristol. The original city layout and urban development, (Bristol medievale. L’impianto di fondazione e lo sviluppo urbanistico, Kappa, Roma 2007, Civitates, n. 13, City planning, archaeology, architecture of medieval cities, Urbanistica, archeologia e architettura delle citta medievali), and Conservation and enhancement of the “Cittadella Micaelica” in Monte Sant’Angelo (Province of Foggia, Apulia Region, Italy): restoration work carried out on the envelope elements of the monumental buildings. (Heritage 2016 – 5th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development. Lisbon, Portugal, 12-15 July 2016).